. from
- prep.从;来自;由;表示时间
- 网络从……起;由于;从……到

. from
1.(表示起始点)从…起,始于used to show where sb/sth starts
2.(表示开始的时间)从…开始used to show when sth starts
3.(表示由某人发出或给出)寄自,得自used to show who sent or gave sth/sb
4.(表示来源)来自,源于,出自,从…来used to show what the origin of sb/sth is
5.(表示所用的原料)由…(制成)used to show the material that sth is made of
6.(表示两地的距离)离used to show how far apart two places are
7.(表示位置或观点)从used to show sb's position or point of view
8.~ sth (to sth)(表示幅度或范围)从…(到)used to show the range of sth
9.~ sth (to sth)(表示改变前的状态或形式)从…(到)used to show the state or form of sth/sb before a change
10.(表示分离或去除)used to show that sb/sth is separated or removed
11.(表示防止)使免遭,使免受used to show that sth is prevented
12.(表示原因)由于,因为used to show the reason for sth
13.(表示进行判断的原因)根据,从…来看used to show the reason for making a judgement
14.(区别二者时用)与…(不同)used when distinguishing between two people or things